P and I were busy in the kitchen the other day when something moving out the window caught my eye. Being on the third floor, not much moves outside our windows, so I looked over and saw.... Snow!!! P was so excited (is any phrase spoken more often on this blog?) he jumped down and immediately ran out the door yelling, "Let's go, Mama!"
I was sick and had planned to hunker inside all day, but sheesh! You just can't miss the first snow of the year! We bundled on our way downstairs and P thrust BB outside, proudly introducing him to the wannabe winterwonderland. "Snow, BB, snow!!!"
Our brief foray on the stoop soon became a walk to the woods, then a skip to the playground... and then an hour of fabulous fun amidst the white stuff. Poor BB didn't fare so well though. Having nothing else to collect snow with (natural collector that P is, just seeing something isn't enough, he has to bring part of it home each time) he started piling it on BB's tummy till the poor little doll was a soppy, yet frozen, mess. I had to set BB down to push P on the swings (ya know, the things he never goes on cuz there's usually other kids there? Well, it was completely Vacant due to the nasty weather, so, understandably, P wanted to spend the rest of the day there!) and the sight of that poor little doll, ignored under balls of snow, growing more covered every minute, just about broke my heart. And then it hit me, P's attachment is really rubbing off on me :)
So P enjoyed the swings and the ground and the sky and then realized the slides were there too. He zoomed down all of them, stacking snow on the ends and blasting through it into my arms. Until, that is, his butt was Frozen. It was just warm enough out that the snow was still melt-ish against a warm tush, making it seriously soaked. As we walked home, adding bits of snow to BB's tummy as we went, P desperately tried to figure out how we could get BB's snow up the stairs and into our house without any of it melting...
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