So, the Schultz family, once assembled, does not let loose of one another easily:) Thanksgiving is so much more than piled plates. They go to movies en masse, have late night poker matches and even have annual volleyball and bowling matches against a rival family. Its a hoot and my mother often quips she wished they'd adopt her:)
We'll wait on the R rated movies and midnight poker for P, but he was game to watch the volleyball this year. Mimi got out some great gym toys and P merrily rolled along. Jace, the ever awesome Uncle got in on the fun.
E played alongside his siblings and P quickly clapped when he saw me cheer. It was pretty cute. I sidled up beside E after the game and expressed my awe at his dives - he'd really sacrificed himself for the game! P was skipping along, seemingly paying no attention yet 3 weeks later when we were playing catch and he dramatically dove for the ball he came up grinning "I sacrificed myself for that catch!" Oh those supersonic bat ears!!!
The crew moves onto bowling after the gym. This was P's first time and he was pretty psyched. These lanes had a kid's section complete with electronically raised bumpers, effectively allowing him to beat me... It was really cute to watch him bowl. He'd toss his ball with all his might and then stand and watch it move down the lane. I tend to roll and run, heaven forbid I watch my horribleness :) Then I realized that he too started walking away after his ball left his hands. D'oh! Could have been he was becoming bored with the game... or Mama better mentor better!
After the game his Aunt gave him some love filled tickles. The face she is making is so Schultz - the ecstasy of the friendly torture :) I imagine Chris and Jordan were pretending not to know us :)
He is so focused in the video below. His little Tevye dance when someone whoops for him kills me :)
Uncle Seth and I are completely sad we missed the bowling event (along with all the others -- it just wasn't quite a holiday without everyone and all the activities).
P - Uncle Seth is completely jealous of your awesome celebration dance after you knocked the pins over. He never mastered a dance quite so cool!
We definitely need to go bowling sometime (Maybe in Bay Ridge when we go get Mexican food at the place you found on your trip back from Coney Island)!!
**And I agree - Marielle definitely has the Schultz look in the tickle torture picture :)
this makes us laugh. awesome cowboy move. seth and ian are totally practicing this right now.
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