My prized possession when I was a kid was my doll house. My brothers wired it with working lights, my mom recovered walls and furniture to suit my needs and I redecorated the thing on a daily basis. Even to this day, if I can't sleep, I either write in my head or... rearrange furniture. I know, it sounds fabulously trite, but its my personal version of mental Tetris, visualizing each object in a room and trying them in new spaces until the feng shui is Just Right. My house, already fallen victim to my ridiculously sensitive eye (ill arranged houses Literally make me dizzy. I do not kid you. Physically Dizzy. Yes, I understand I have issues:) so chances are I've rearranged yours (no matter how fabulously done it is, its a compulsion, really) on some long, insomniac-laden night....
So it was with great fanfare that P and I discovered hidden levels to my old treasure in the basement this visit. He squealed with joy as we carried it upstairs, along with a box of furniture dying to train another child's spatial preferences. He requested I do a room or two and I was happy to comply while he finished off the house. He is four, and male, and I almost laughed out loud when I looked at his decorative choices. All of the pieces were lined up right at the entry edges of each room. Why reach all the way back into the house when the chairs can sit right here, easy-peasy? So what if they block doorways, cut off traffic flow or make no spacial sense? All of the red chairs were together, the bathroom stuff together, the kitchen stuff together. They were categorized and therefore logically placed :) Then, with immense drama, BB was driven to his New Home. There was such delight in P's voice, showing BB what he had for him. Each day I think the kid couldn't love that monster any more and then he goes and sets him up with a vacation home in the south. Awwwww.
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