We had our coop shift this afternoon (NOT the little man's favorite thing. We've talked and talked about it, the options (babysitter, papa, a different shift), all of the variables, and he insists on coming with me and not liking it :) He did his usual
ignoring of all peers for the entire shift. Then, about 15 minutes before our departure a 7 year old boy arrived. P's attention immediately became divided between the book we were reading and the activities of the boy. One of the younger kids could have choked to death and he wouldn't have looked up from his book, but now, well, now things were different. I offered to take a reading break. "No thanks mama." So we read for another page while he watched and then I cleverly excused myself to tidy the nursery :) He circled the boy. Handed him cars. And finally asked the kid if he'd like to race. So off they set, running, then frog hopping, then clam climbing and then car riding. He was laughing and whooping and looked at me and yelled "this is FUN!" This trend is so steady for P. So my new goal is to find him an older playmate that will somehow enjoy a much younger companion.
On the way home he chatted about what "seven" means, with lots of age related questions. As we slowed the scooter for a light he looked up and whispered (as all Very Important Communications are communicated lately) "But Mama, I already FEEl like a grown-up.... I do."
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