Thursday, December 18, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

After hearing some Christmas stories while in Kansas, P decided that this whole tree, presents, North Pole bit sounded pretty cool. And so while I wiled the day away with my mother during her northern visit, P and Papa bought themselves a tree. P picked out tinsel, candy canes and colored balls to decorate it. Then they brought it home, decorated it and randomly stuck it on an upside down box for height. Beside the wall.

Have you read my dollhouse post yet? The one where I mention feng shui and dizziness? Well, you can imagine what plastic tinsel and an upside down box did to me :) The sheer joy in my child's eyes was the only thing that saved this visual disturbance that day :) But my mother, sweetly intuiting my silly hang-up helped me out.

Phoenix has learned that Grams is his go-to-girl. If he really wants something, Gramsie-grams is his man. So he gave her his list of what his tree still needed and my mother did her best to honor P's desires and mine all in one fell swoop. When she got back to Kansas she boxed up her crystal garland (knowing P's love of bling would trump his need for tinsel any day), some silver bells (ala Polar Express) and glass dew drops. Ahhh, the shininess of it all beckoned to P just as the monochromatic simpleness of it calmed my twisting nerves. The candy canes gradually fell off and broke, the tinsel was traded for the lovely "diamonds" and we moved the tree to a new, non-box perch where it could reflect in the window. P climbed his ladder to finish adding his bling and, just like that, everyone was happy.

Once his tree was in place, P whispered to me (signaling this an Important Idea), "Mama, do you think there will be a present under it Christmas morning?" And just as I felt myself grow for the better when I bought that damn roll of wrapping paper for his birthday (I did simultaneously hear the Earth groan though..) I was actually able to be excited for him when I whispered back "Oh, I think so P, what do you think?"

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