Thanksgiving day, holidays in general really, can be a bit overwhelming for P. Or those that love him :) His want for constant interaction teamed with family member's excitement to finally play with the little guy combine into a swirling frenzy for P. He gets so amped up by the attention and tossing that he couldn't possibly think of Ever Stopping. Unreachable by the logic that usually keeps his energy in check he gets a bit punchy ;)
So this year we planned on putting the play off for a bit for the sake of everyone's stamina. A dinosaur dig kit was the perfect distraction, giving him something to bang on and the skeleton he has long desired. Some say Grandpapa enjoyed it even more than P...
After he finished his focused play he was ready to rumble and Grandpapa complied with fervor.
P worked his way through everyone's energy, ending with the two youngest, Jace and Ian. They have an amazing capacity to keep up with the kid! Jace was the villain with the pillow eating shark, Ian the hero who saved P.
P could have stayed there all evening, but we still had one more family dinner to go! But the child was spent, seriously stretched beyond reason and merely bounced off of the walls at my folk's house. Ah, well, a child can only take so much fun in one day!
P commands Grandpapa to torture him:
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