Saturday, December 20, 2008


Every month or so P gets a new word that we secretly hope he'll never learn how to properly pronounce because of the
unbelievable adorability when mis-pronounced. E's running fave for a long time has been "restaurant." We're careful to only wax poetic After P's asleep since he's sooo sensitive to external judgements, but I can catch E grin each time its said :)

My new favorite is "ridiculous." P apparently Loves this word, as he uses it numerous times a day, adorably chewing it out each time. It seems like such a chore to say that I occasionally wonder if he will choke on the damn word... and then the second part pops out :) Typing it will butcher it more than the four year old's mouth, but for the sake of posterity.... it goes something like "That's Reee- DIC-Qwui-Wus!"

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