Saturday, December 20, 2008

Holiday Cookies and Beets

We've been making holiday cookies for friends and family (that includes ourselves, of course :) P loves the sifting and measuring part and due to his numerous baking adventures casually tosses fractions into most of his conversations lately. "We'll go to 22 and a 1/2. Ok mama?" Or "That's Nine, fourty-four and a third please." Not a lot of comprehension yet, but some osmosis nonetheless...

So he decided that adding crushed candy canes to the cookies would be Fabulous, peppermint addict that he is. I don't know if he's enjoyed the flavor of the cookies or the massive amounts of hammering they require more :) But after crunching up a bunch of canes for cookies he turned to me and asked if the peppermint sticks were healthy or not.
Me: Well, um... they aren't "bad" for you, really. Unless you think sugar is bad for you, which some people do and some people don't.... But they aren't really growing food, like peas or carrots, either.
P: Mama. But Mama. They Are!! They are good for you!
Me: Oh!
P: Yes. Beets are good growing food and the red coloring is beet juice, so they have beet juice - they're growing food!

Well, how can you argue with that logic?! Thankfully he alternates between roasted beets and candy canes pretty naturally...

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