In addition to his Gramsie-Grams, Kansas also holds Gramps and a mini-John Deere. And this time, Fire, another fave of Phoenix. One day, soon after our arrival, all of this fabulousness came together and P was just in Heaven.
Deciding to join Gramps at the much storied burn pile, P was keen on driving his little mule, just as Gramps had done. So my mom and I followed him as he slowly steered past the ponds to the cement bridge. He was pretty disappointed his machine couldn't brave the creek, but the burning bushes and bobcat tractor on the far side of the bridge provided a natural distraction :)
He was soooo stoked to see such a big fire.
We went with Gramps to gather more fallen branches. P pitched right in.
Back at the burn pile P happily tossed sticks for the rest of the afternoon. He'd have probably stayed out there all night had I not been so hungry :)
As we headed home he discovered his little engine had trouble with the steep incline. No problem - Gramps was happy to help. (P received the bumps with mixed emotions, turning to worriedly watch behind himself, thankful for the help but hoping his little mule could take the abuse :)
After this enjoyable afternoon Papa and P lit a few smaller bonfires after dark. They'd gather wood, Papa being immensely manly and cutting it with a hand saw, and then go through their routine of fire making. Then they'd tell stories about BB and roast the special food-coloring free marshmallows Gramsie-Grams found for Phoenix. And best of all, at the end of the evening P would reek so horribly of smoke that he'd happily hop in the bath and even Wash His Hair. That was worth a million bonfires right there!
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