Thursday, March 25, 2010


I'm half atheist, half Eastern Religious(ish), by nature. The atheist thinks the spiritual side adorably optimistic and hopeful. The spiritual side thinks the atheist disregards connections and cops cynicism. But ha! That spiritual side was sticking its karmically blessed tongue out at the silly cynic all this month. Just as the Little Man let it be known that he longs for more live performances, tickets started dropping into our buoyant, budgeted laps.

First we landed (admittedly, quite purposefully) at the Marionette theater, then, with a bit of fortune, at the Little Engine that Could performance (through a homeschooling group), Then a good dose of luck brought us re-sell cheap seats to the New Vic's Australian circus. And yesterday, (drumroll) free tickets to Mary Poppins on Broadway zoomed into my email inbox from our lovely neighbors. Coincidence? Maybe :) Fabulous fun? Definitely.

But poor Ethan. The man had the rare doctor's appointment and had to miss the kid's first Broadway show. Perhaps a relief to many men, the timing seemed less than karmically kissed to this show tune loving husband. Luckily for P, lovely Aunt Alicia was available. In fact, as the afternoon turned towards the evening performance, the Little Man asked me if I was excited for the show. Oh yeah. Was he? "I'm really excited to see Aunt Alicia." He then proceeded to ask me, every 5 minutes, when ...

Despite P's nocturnal bent, I wondered just how the 8:00 curtain call would work for us. The Little Man had a short, rough night the night before... Nevertheless, he sat, enraptured, for the entire performance. When Mary Poppins floated into the audience at the end, surrounded by glittering stars, dancing on the theater walls, I glanced at the kid's face. Textbook pictorial definition of sheer joy. Its funny the high your kid's happiness gives you as a parent. I suddenly felt all floaty too. He couldn't take his eyes off of Mary, i couldn't take my eyes off of his huge smile.

On the walk home, he told me he very much wants to perform in Mary Poppins. His chosen role would be that of Jane Banks. And after watching the movie today, he practiced saying Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, um, a lot. I'd totally forgotten this phrase could be a bit tricky to pronounce (but it did give me flashbacks of my younger brother trying to train his tongue around it's endlessness). The multiple mispronunciations, (that tricky R, the occasional lisped S, the word in general...) of course, only makes it sound less cloying and all the more adorable.

Karmic connections: 1 point. And that's supercalifrag.... you get the point.

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