Wednesday, March 17, 2010


The immense excitement involved in (occasionally) sleeping in the loft has gummed up our well oiled nighttime routine. So we're working on a new one :) But until it purrs smoothly, my free moments are even more rare... unless I trade sleep for sanity. But since I also need sleep for sanity (see noxious reaction to sleep deprivation displayed in previous post) I"ll be brief until things are coasting again here...

Just wanted to note down two questions from today. The kid (the one typically talking and therefore generally lacking non sequiturs) will, on occasion, be quiet for a moment or two. This is always followed by some crazy interesting (to me;) question or comment. My two faves today - both seeming to be totally out of the blue:

"Do people eat parrot eggs?" (Umm, do parrots lay non-hatching eggs??? Thank gawd for google...)


"What did the chimp evolve from?"

He is downright thirsty for information as he pieces together his universe...

1 comment:

A said...

awesome questions!

but now i'm curious... do people eat parrot eggs?