Sunday, March 21, 2010

46 Circus Acts in 45 Minutes

The New Victory Theater is gorgeous (not that you can tell with the crappy phone pic - but it truly is. We arrived a bit early and the Little Man was able to fill the waiting space with detail gawking. If you go - look at all of the bees! There's thousands, hidden everywhere!)

The Little Man has a circus fetish. We've never done the big, loud, animal featured ones (Peta members, remember?;) but we've caught a number of smaller acrobat based shows. And the kid loves them.

Lucky us, P and I scored some cheap re-sells for the New Victory's new show, 46 Circus Acts in 45 Minutes (there's a little video of the show at that link). Orchestra, Row D, center :) The seats were, obviously, crazy good. The show, it was fantastic.

Afterwards, the Little Man and Papa played in the park while I attempted to scrape away the grime that grew over our flat while I was sick. (Its funny how little time is left in life to play catch-up when your days are filled with playing, cooking and homeschooling!) When they returned, the kid was pumped to participate in our neighbor's big open house party downstairs. (These are the neighbors that are amazing. The work at home, crazy hours due to being artists (one screenwriter, one movie maker) childless couple we dreaded we'd get.... and then did get.... have turned out to be the best neighbors a boy could ever hope for. They swear P's poundings (aka dancing, block building and general bouncing around) is music to their ears. They swear they miss us when we're away. They bake us cookies, sweet breads, borscht and sourdough. They give the child gifts (rocks, leaves they collect, a special sea shell from the Hamptons), regularly. And they talk with him. Really listen, ask questions, invite him onto their laps and their shoulders. And they smile, the whole time, while he climbs on them and grins back widely. Whenever E and I talk about moving, about living above anyone else, we know we are half crazy. Although, were I a gambling gal, I'd wager a great deal that the mutual admiration is only possible since the kid keeps college like hours, allowing those below him their quiet, childless mornings :)

So these neighbors had a huge party today, and, of course, sent the Little Man an invite. We baked P's fave cookies and he carefully selected a few magic tricks his Uncle gave him. Armed with these preparations, he marched into an eclectic, adult party without a second's hesitation. He mingled, showed off his tricks, sat on laps. All in all, he was in heaven. The contrast couldn't be denied. When I bring him to peer aged playgroups he definitely doesn't delve in like this :) As it was, we practically had to drag him back upstairs.... But first he promised R that he would, indeed, be happy to go to the premier of her movie next weekend, despite it all being in Russian :)

Arriving back upstairs, P remembered the circus and put together a little bedtime show for E and I featuring dance, acrobatics and rope climbing. Thankfully, the party downstairs was loud enough his late night hopping wasn't an issue :) I think its fair to say that my kid wouldn't mind running off to join a circus (as long as E and I would come too....)

1 comment:

Cioara Andrei said...

Foarte interesant subiectul postat de tine. M-am uitat pe blogul tau si imi place si am sa mai revin sa-l vizitez. O zi buna