Monday, March 22, 2010

The Little Man's first art show

A portrait of the artist at work ;)

We popped into our favorite neighborhood art store a couple of weeks ago and the shopkeeper clapped when she saw P. "Phoenix!! Just who I was hoping to see! I'm putting together a little art show, and I was hoping you'd submit a piece..."

Needless to say, the kid was game. He very carefully printed his name on the art contract she proffered. (Insert quick, small sigh of relief from mother that kid has taught himself how to write his name...) and he happily carried home the paper she gave him. He had two weeks to complete his piece and return it.

So, in true artist form, we pulled it out the morning it was due :) I was dealing with the "cornmeal situation" we had created on the floor and thought the project might provide a bit of distraction while I attempted cleaning duties. (I've been a mother long enough to know that's not how it works. I had just forgotten. Of course, the cleaning of the "cornmeal situation" made room for the "glitter fiasco of 2010"...)

I loved what he chose for his piece. It was a completely open ended assignment, only limited by the size of the paper she gave him. We turned it in that afternoon and she was tickled with P's eclectic results, his being the only collage based entry :)

Supposedly, its been matted and hung in the window of the shop, along side other short sized neighborhood customer's works, but we haven't gone to see it yet. The Little Man was more than happy to pull out his glue and glitter for a friend (the shopkeeper fitting fairly in that category :) but has no concept of the specialness of display or any such nonsense. His mother is slightly less untainted, and I'll certainly swing by at some time to see his little name in lights ;) If you're in the area - check it out at Seventh Avenue Art Supplies! If, sadly, you are stuck in cold, rainy (read: NOT sunny), Sarasota (sorry mom!)... for you we have a picture of the oh so shiny piece to brighten your windy days. I did not, however, take a picture of the glitter activities this piece opened up in the Little Man's mind. No one is that brave...

1 comment:

A said...

How cool!!!! Uncle Seth and I will have to head over to see it!!!! Congrats P!! :)