Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Motivation, MRIs and My Moppet

Though analyzing the average school going kid, the book I'm reading had the most fabulous quote for unschoolers. The study summarized in the below quote is based on brain functionality in children while the wee kids are stuffed in fMRI scanners:

"When a child gets to choose, they presumably choose activities they're motivated to do. Motivation is crucial. Motivation is experienced in the brain as the release of dopamine. It's not released like other neurotransmitters into the synapses, but rather it's sort of spritzed onto large areas of the brain, which enhances the signaling of neurons."

The author's summary? "The motivated brain, literally, operates better, signals faster. When children are motivated, they learn more." And they're not talking about motivated by cookies or gold stars here, in case you're wondering. That's intrinsic motivation bringing on that dopamine high.

Hip fuckin' hooray! Our wily ways have been officially granted a pass :)

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