Thursday, March 4, 2010

Enough already

Attempt # 753: How to entertain the child, while using the least amount of energy possible. The Little Man focused the felt, of course, on BB. This particular plot saw BB fleeing over the lava licked mountains with his adopted dinosaur baby (an unnamed herbivore). They were on the lam from a mad monster horde and those dirty carnivorous dinos. This, from the child who read "Hush Little Dragon" (a, ahem, sweet tale set to the 'hush little baby don't say a word" lullaby in which a Mama Dragon dares to feed her darling on characters from a castle, sweeping into the night sky at the end with a horse, clutched in her talons) and responds "I bet the Baby Dragon put the horse to sleep under the tree for the night. They probably both ate leaves and grass for dinner." Always the optimist, this one ;)

On a side note, we read almost the entire "Finn Family Moomintrolls" today, after re-reading SkippyJon Jones (thanks Aunt Alicia!) about a thousand times. So there was a few good hours of no movement (for me, the child would bounce and swing:)

But nevertheless, I'm falling short, apparently. The child, typically content to while away the hours at home, flipped through our Time Out New York for Kids (the what's what and what's where for everything kid consuming in the city) and picked out everything he would like to do... and as of today, there was a lot. Apparently, two of us are sick to death of this sinus infection. And, honestly, I'm fairly certain he's playing the role of long suffering house arrest victim with more aplomb than the adult here...

1 comment:

A said...

That felt story looks so cool! And the mention of SkippyJon Jones makes me want to go find my book and read it to myself :) I LOVE that book!

Hope you are feeling better! Such a bummer that you've been under the weather for so long!