Tuesday, March 9, 2010

P's Aquarium

I love to watch the Little Man work a project. While I actually initiated a few while fighting infection (for sanity saving measures), typically the Little Man is not lacking in inspiration. The last few days have featured an ever evolving aquarium.

It started out in a plastic bag; a simple ziploc and BB's tiny goldfish. But more is more to the kid, and the bag was quickly overwhelmed. Plus, P wanted a higher tide. He turned to our soup jar and spent the morning creating a salt water habitat. (You know, lots of water, felt cut like sea grass, broken fake flowers as anemones and a few shakes of sea salt ;) He was delightfully happy as he searched his toys for water worthy treasures.

But the glass was heavy and less than ideal for carting around. So by the third day, he requested a BIG ziploc. We chatted about the trouble with lots of water in a less than solid space. He was sure of his approach. Needless to say, it was only inevitable, the kitchen floor got a bath. A big bath. But now the Little Man really understands how dependable a liquid is without solid walls...

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