Monday, March 29, 2010

My Perestroika

The Little Man's devotion to his beloved neighbors was tested on Sunday. R's Sundance Film Festival toting documentary was playing at Lincoln Center, and the kid had promised to attend.

He was pee-his-pants excited to see his fave friends, which somehow didn't aid in a timely departure quite like we had hoped... This left us running along Central Park South with just minutes to spare before the sold out show premiered. Quite honestly, we made it just in time, snagging the last two seats in the back as the lights went low.

The few times the child started to squirm in my lap, I whispered that I'd step outside and play instead if he pleased. Nope, no doing. He was determined to stay seated for the entire hour and a half documentary. That was in Russian.

Focusing on a task has never been difficult for the Little Man, so I wasn't too surprised when he achieved his goal. After the film (which was, quite honestly, so, sooo good), he happily hugged his friends and both R and L toted him about their lovely reception, smiling while they introduced him (to the smart, Sunday sort who have the good sense (and free time) to find these gems playing in the city. We, ahem, don't really fit into this category anymore. If it isn't listed in Time Out NY, kids edition, its under our radar these days...)

At any rate. When R asked P for his review, he didn't miss a beat. "I loved the film! Loved it. When can I see it again?" And he meant it. My thoughts? Only a truly fine (foreign documentary) film can hold the attention of a five year old. Two thumbs up here :)

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