Sunday, March 21, 2010

Park Play

We typically end up scooting and exploring in Prospect Park each week. Now that P is older, it seems to happen rain, shine, snow, wind, whatever. Suddenly, he says he's ready, he needs to explore the park. And so we do. I always end up wishing I'd brought my camera, but the phone has to do.

Week before last, he found some seed pods that made fantabulous sounds when they plopped in the pond. We gathered hundreds. It really was a cool sound.

Then, this week, the Little Man announced we were going to build a stick house. He was very earnest, gathering so many sticks, though I think he was a bit disappointed with our meager result :) He dubbed it our Moomintroll house and requested more rooms, so that we could move everything to this new abode. Eventually, he planned an underground house (thereby unknown to the park authorities), with a false roof. We would become nocturnal, the better to hide our house's existence, of course ;)

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