Thursday, September 24, 2009

Washington Square

Despite my best planning, we never made it to the renovated fountain in Washington Square this summer for water play. Either we were there, sans swim trunks, or we were taking two days to travel two avenues; either way, it wasn't in the cards for us...

Until a couple weeks ago, when we found ourselves in the area with an hour to burn and a hankering for public music. Alas, we found the fountain was dead, drained for the coming cold. The Little Man actually thought this enhanced the experience, and happily collected a couple of pennies for his change bank. We'd just purchased a new set of watercolors at Dick Blick (where P's become a bit of a regular, he's eyeing the oils already...yay for his homeschool discount card!) and P carried his prized purple around the fountain with glee... Have I mentioned how unbelievably lucky I feel that I can hang out with my kid every day?

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