Thursday, September 3, 2009

A little free play a day...

P, hamming it up on a late night sub ride...

I know it looks like we've done nothing since returning from Kansas, weeks ago, but the truth is, we've been so busy doing something every day that my evening time usually features dishes and dirty clothes rather than blogger ;) (And if there is a new post attempting to catch me up, you can guarantee my sink pays the price. Poor, sad dishes :)

And this has had me bothered on two fronts. Not only did I realize this morning that my house was surprisingly filthy, as I quickly picked and dusted and vacuumed my way towards my in-law's arrival, but P has also had less floor play than usual. I remember languishing on the floor for hours on end just over a year ago, often dreaming of fresh breezes :) And now, the child is so excited to go see the marionettes or the off-Broadway show or the Met roof exhibit or the rooftop beekeeper, that we are outside almost every afternoon in those fresh breezes. But, in order to join him in morning-time play, pre-outing, the breakfast dishes and dry laundry now languish, ignored ... until the following morning, when I can stand the growing pile no more :) And so, while P is spending more time out in the world, there is less time playing with me on the floor. (Combine this with E's many late nights in recent weeks, the after dinner wrestle-with-Papa hour being my typical house-sweeping, dish drying nightly bonanza, and the stuff strewn outcome becomes quickly challenging.) Yet, at the same time, it seemed to be working. Fabulously for me, not that I don't love a good afternoon of tea parties and toys, but I surely do love popping about this city of mine after a full morning of toy time, rounding out life with outings. And seemingly, fabulously, for the Little Man too, as he was actually requesting these outings when proffered, happy to head to our planned destinations each time.

But then this week, on our way home one evening, P asked if we'd have some time to play upon our return. I mentioned the late hour and the need for dinner. Holding my hand on the subway platform, he fixed me with his big blues and sadly said, "But Mama, I haven't gotten to play with you all day." The adult in me chuckled. We'd done imaginary BB plots all morning as I scrubbed pots and prepped for departure and had then galloped about together all afternoon without anyone around to distract my attention away from my pride and joy. I felt that we had played all day. But, my hand hadn't actually touched a toy. He had a point. And on that point he is a stickler. Attention is only part of the equation, he needs actual rug burning interaction. Well, the dinner dishes would have to wait again. We needed to play :)

And amidst my guilt (are we going out too much? reading too much? playing enough??), this article floated into my inbox. So I can go to sleep tonight, ignoring my (again) dirty dishes, and rest assured that alongside his new outings, he at least doesn't have to include an over-scheduled school day at this early age....


A said...

the state of education in this country is heartbreaking... we are a testing nation and our kids are learning nothing.

good thing p has a mama who plays :)

Jac said...

Good thing the kids in school have an awesome teacher like you watching their backs!!! Now if we could just get that "No child left behind" monkey off of *your* back so that you could really do the job you are so awesome at.... I'm actually holding my breath in hope on this one :)