Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Battle Wounds of Boyhood

I'm skipping over a month of exciting adventures here that I really want to post about... But the little man has had two big firsts in the last few days so I thought I'd toss them up really quickly....

While playing at his favorite "water castle playground" in Central Park this weekend (joined by his fabulous Aunt and Uncle) the Little Man sprung from a playground piece to the ground far below... right onto a broken beer bottle.... with bare feet. Yup. He was away from my side for the first time in over three weeks (we're going through a strange bout of separation anxiety these days for which there appears no remedy, not Papa, not his friends, nor Froggy nor Sock Monkey...) to show Aunt Alicia how cold the water was in the playground. I was en route to join them when I saw his sweet Aunt, schlepping him across the playground in an awkward position. Strange. Then I saw the blood dripping over his sweet feet, framed by a small, strangely stoic face. That promptly melted once I was holding him. It was a pitiful little sight and apparently hurt quite a bit. It seems there was a small shard stuck in his foot, but after many baths and hours of soaking, the prune shaped boy is glass free and on the mend...

And last week, he chipped his front tooth on a subway turn-style :( He asked me to document it for the blog - I can't decide if that's twisted or not ;)

1 comment:

Jodi said...

that's pretty funny---that P. asked for the tooth to be documented on the blog! hope all is well! love love.