Saturday, September 5, 2009

Moonlight Movies

We don't have a TV and have given up videos for now (consensual family decision), but thought it would be fun to enjoy one of NYC's free outdoor movie nights. Set along the west side of the city, right on the water, a Muppets movie was playing on a Friday night. So we grabbed E after work and walked towards the beautiful breeze...

There are so many magic moments living here, and this was definitely one of them. The lights danced off of the water, the tree we sat under quietly swished overhead, all while the Muppets blared on a big screen down front. Full disclosure: I've always disliked (bordering on despised) the Muppets. Even as a small child, I remember feeling like I'd rather watch... the news, anything, instead of that annoying pig and idiotic bear. But it was certainly more appropriate than most of the other outdoor offerings, and P might just think that frog is fabulous, so....

I can't say he was completely captivated by the film (and yes, I kept my disdain to myself!). But the experience as a whole thrilled him. He enjoyed sitting outside in the dark, he loved watching the planes come and go, counting the helicopters, tapping his toes to the (annoying, sorry ;) music. Afterwards, he was jazzed to stay out. He felt he had achieved something magical. having experienced the dark for so very long :) This will be a much easier magic to replicate, now that the dark is arriving so much earlier!

As we left the park, he spotted a sculpture and ran to look. He then went from pumped to pathetic and happily zonked as he was carried home....

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