Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I chuckle when I think about P's earlier disdain for crafts. While he's almost always enjoyed spilling paint onto a surface, other creations weren't his pre-four forte. These days, he just can't get enough! He'll hop away from almost any floor play to zoom to any locale promising craft time. Creating crap at the Mulberry Street Library with his favorite librarian, Susie (did I mention the love letter he wrote her?) tops off his favorite activities each month...

So he was extremely excited to try out a new Free Fridays craft play at a store in Williamsburg with some fellow homeschoolers. The space was bright and open and featured a huge wooden table stocked with all sorts of goodies. Googly eyes, rhinestones, glitter, crayons, pens, paints, it was all there. Including, tiny sea shells. P eschewed the suggested craft and went freestyle, dabbing glue around his swirly drawings and topping it all off with the itty bitty scallops. He was in the zone, his little slice of crafty heaven, hardly moving in his seat for over an hour :)

I've since (this was weeks ago ;) attempted to recreate this scene at home. Craft heaven, sans schlep. Unfortunately, our dining room table then bore the burden of constant crafting and we were eating in our laps :) Added to this imperfection was the fact that P prefers to be no further than five feet from me (and, if not directly at his side, I am most likely found in the kitchen cooking or cleaning...) Due to an intense fear of monsters in our bedroom closet, P's playroom (next to said scary closet) had to be switched with our living/dining room a few weeks ago. So the dining room table is no longer next to the kitchen... all of P's toys are :) It works out quite well, though perhaps adding an even more unconventional touch to our already odd flat... At any rate, today, P and I changed his rock table (directly beside the kitchen!) into a craft corner, creating huge amounts of happiness in our home :)

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