Saturday, September 5, 2009

Beating the Heat

We've really only been hit with a couple weeks of heat this summer (the cool evenings are arriving a little too soon for my taste!) but those few weeks were hot in this top floor, flat roofed apartment. So we hit the beach or a park with water and happily splashed the heat away...

Although we'd been to Teardrop park before and loved it, we hadn't visited when the water was on. Meeting fellow unschoolers there a few weeks ago, P had a grand time playing in the practically empty fountains. He also started a mad search for fossils in the rocky walls. And sent berries downstream. And then BB downstream :)

We eventually moseyed through a tunnel to a gorgeous green space ringed in rocks. These, of course, had to be climbed :) Sometimes P's precarious positions unnerve me, but its getting easier as he gets older. And I'm bound and determined to keep any nervous nellie tendencies to myself :) Fortunately, he's getting pretty good at figuring out his own comfort limits, which helps mine enormously!

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