Monday, March 19, 2012

Zia: her fifth month

She loves to gum apple cores and carrot tops (and anything else that doesn't hold still...)

Wow.  Half year birthday today.  When I mentioned this to the Little Man (who threw her a dance party this afternoon) he said, "Whoa.  It seems like its only been a month!  So in this same amount of time she'll be a whole year old?!"  And here I thought that time was only flying for the old people :)  When you're having fun... ;)

Pulled out the real camera for the occasion (in the middle of the dance party.  P hadn't really been exposed (sans car radio and all that for so long!) to the music industry, short of E's and my archaic collection.  But on the way back from the beach with E this weekend, they turned the radio on and P discovered (and fell in love with) a.... Britney Spears song :)  Of course, we had to download it today.  So this video has quite the backdrop;)  Here's the crawl that has been much requested.  I'll try and grab some better bday photos after the nap.  Party girl wore herself out :)  (In fact, she is so mesmerized by her crawl that she had to get up to practice it for a few hours in the middle of the night last night!  Gotta love these developmental leaps ;)

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