Saturday, March 10, 2012


I think it's official. Zia is crawling. I left her on the floor for two minutes yesterday to use the loo and came back to her 4 feet away, happily chomping paper under the desk. Sigh ;).

Its still a challenge for her though, so when she's tired, her short jaunts are often filled with vocal frustrations. But she insists on continuing to try - its kinda funny to see her strong sense of perserverance. She has the transition from sitting to crawling nailed, but sometimes still gets stuck going back to sitting after a crawl. She sticks her wee arm out to try and add weight in the direction she's trying to rotate to, but she's still so little, there's not a lot of heft to help ;).

1 comment:

A said...

So many posts I missed this week (probably from being too tired and unable to stay up past 7 p.m. ;) I LOVE LOVE LOVE all the updates! Zia is getting so big!!! We vote a video of her crawling ;)