Friday, March 16, 2012


The weather here has been less dreary than I anticipated, pre-move. I expected months of dark rain, but we've been pleasantly out of doors a great deal this winter. Until this week. Colder, solid rain a few times. with Zia so sick, inviting it was not. Last night I dreamt the sun came out and people were flocking to a field and flying, arms flapping, smiling goofy, sunny smiles. Hmmm, guess this week's cabin fever was slightly severe:).

So, despite serious boogerage, today we joined P on the porch to chew on sticks. Then a walk through our forgotten garden where we were surprised by a beautiful romanesco cauliflower. Now, Zia is snoring in my arms while I watch P pogo jump - all in the sun :). Yay Spring:)

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