Saturday, June 9, 2012

Transit of Venus and carnage

Little Man enjoyed some astronomy this week watching Venus pass the sun.  We went to OMSI, where there was a parking lot party with viewing stations.  The kid took one look and said, "I hate it when places are busy with lots of kids."  And he really, really does.  A crowded playground is his idea of hell.  So we got some glasses and hit the road, since, you know, the sun is everywhere ;)

Meanwhile...  His room is still in tatters.  I've been pushing for that to top our to-do list since we moved.  E has repeatedly reassured me that the kid is fine, has a new house, climbing tree, yard, blahblahblah.  Then P saw a scene in Harry Potter the other day that prioritized this weekend's to-do list.  Dumbledore magically makes a decrepit house fly from shambles to chic.  P looked at me and said, "I wish I could do that!  I would use it on my room.  So that my room wouldn't look so much like, well, like my room looks."  Insert knife stabbing me in the gut.  Guilt, my friend, must you never leave my side?

I read up on moving when P was little (since we moved him many times.  Now, with the Dr. mentioning the "trauma of a move" I can only imagine how much trauma we have inflicted on the Little Man.  Sigh.)  The article suggested having the child's room all set up, ready to go when they move to the house for sleeping.  I still have no idea how this could ever be accomplished without shipping a child off to family.  Ah, to be that sort of amazing parent.

But E was sure we were good to go, plenty amazing ;)  He thought balcony dinners and patio picnics took the top spot (alongside plumbing, painting and heat, of course;)  Apparently, just cuz a kid doesn't complain, doesn't mean something isn't bugging them.  And while my pleading with Ethan to make P's shelves and get him out of boxes didn't get anywhere, that one pathetic line from the Little Man has E in the basement, ripping out boards to make shelves right. this. minute ;)

Meanwhile, P's boxes have barfed everywhere so he can find various treasures.  Then the contents wreak havoc in new and creative ways.  Below, a fairy knight and his (bruised) cherry carnage.  A little Dexter like splatter pattern study in progress.  Thank gawd for old Craigslist dining tables...

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