Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Romeo, romeo...

We have a little covered balcony off of our living room. (I'll get a better pic someday;)  As ex-New Yorkers, this was a huuuuge selling point to E and I ;)  Hidden outdoor space was something we have lusted after for the last decade.  Alas, this one had lacked love for a lot longer than a decade...  But Superman tackled it this weekend.  There's still a good scrubbing in its future, but we christened it with dinner the other night with beer and flowers.  Its a silly little detail of a house, but its one that makes us silly happy :)

Side-note:  Notice the babe in her highchair?  I have two things to say about that.  The first, she freaking LOVES her highchair.  I've mentioned before how we just skipped that with P.  He didn't want to eat and he didn't want to be off my lap :)  For a while, if we started dinner and Zia was busy sucking on a  toy, I would just sit and try to eat as fast as I could :)  Come to find out, this really pisses her off.  When she notices we are dining, she Insists upon being included.  So now I set a tray of nibbles for her (this week's faves: kalamata olives (still), cottage cheese, guacamole, beef stroganoff sauce and ground beef) when I fill our plates and she munches and messes with us three times a day.  Funny how different kids are!

Second thought on the babe in highchair.  If you are in the market for one, run, do not walk, and buy the baby bjorn highchair.  OMG.  No nooks and crannies to catch food and break you with its dirtiness at the end of the day.  Brilliant tray removal.  Awesome harness.  Fabulous fold.  Lightweight.  And the kid loves it ;)  The fact that it matches my B&W obsession and sports a sweet Eames era Tulip Chair styling, well, that part is freaking fondant.

Last side note.  P froze as I said I wanted to snag a pic of dinner on the new balcony.  After I put my phone down he turned to me and said, "Action Shot."  BWHahahahahhaa.

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