Thursday, June 14, 2012

Entirely for his sister's entertainment.

Seriously, I love this kid.

And if playing clown for baby laughs isn't sweet enough, how about yesterday's morning antics?  Z and I woke up to a missing boy.  This never happens, the baby always gets up before the seven year old.  What was he doing?

"Morning, Mama!  I have a surprise for you.  Since you and Zia always get up and do stuff for me, I did something for you!"  

Z and I quietly busy ourselves in the morning.  I never thought it was a big deal, its just easier to get stuff done with only one munchkin underfoot :)  We do little projects, like putting P's castle back together or setting up his shelves or something.  I love him waking up to a sweet surprise.  Especially since his place in bed has been replaced and he no longer wakes up to an hour of cuddles.  (He doesn't complain, but as I mentioned with his room, the kid just isn't really the complaining type...)

P had picked up the living and dining room, arranged Zia's toys in a fabulously feng shui way and then tidied up the attic too.  Every time his ornery side explodes in an enormous whirl of noise and mess gets the better of him, I must remember to conjure these images in my mind...


Unknown said...

nice pics

A said...

That is pure awesomeness!!! I love hearing the way your family has grown since Miss Zia arrived!!