Saturday, June 9, 2012

Strawberries and Sourdough

I was worried Zia would never be able to eat "normally" with all of the early food allergies, but her gut is doing great!  We're still off of Eggs, Nightshades and anything unnatural but otherwise, wow!  She had wheat for the first time yesterday and I swear, there was no getting that bit of sourdough away from her.  Seriously.  She held onto it like a wild animal.  And P realllllly wanted her to taste a strawberry.  Its a top allergen and recommended to wait until after 1 year, but we played it foot-loose and she totally fancied it.  No reactions either time :)  She had a huge reaction to something last week, I think it was the cantaloupe.  I'll test it again this week to be sure.

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