Monday, June 4, 2012

Rainy day fun

So much house stuff going on. E and I feel like we're doings mental Tetris to figure it all out! I worry P isn't getting loved on like I'd like :(. But when I was feeling a little run over at the end of the day yesterday (he started in on a long, intricate BB scenario... just hearing the intro exhausted me) he said something sweet that makes me hope this move isn't too much for him (My new Great Worry. Since the doctor told me Zia probably stopped saying Mama and Papa because of "the trauma of the move" I've felt like a real shit....) At any rate, my head was spinning with BB dialogue and I told him a few minutes of quiet would help me. "Why?" (of course;). I told him I was tired and didn't think I'd be a very good play companion right then. His response, "But Mama, you are Always the world's best play companion.". Gotta love a boy that knows just what a girl needs to hear :)

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