Sunday, June 17, 2012

Baby in the forest

It didn't even cross my mind to put an 8 month old baby down on a hiking trail to hike last weekend, but she asked to get down this week and...hiked a huge part of the freaking trail.  This made her So happy.  Obviously ;)  Time to get some baby moccasins...

After our Home Depot run yesterday (sigh), Zia fell asleep in the car again.  She reaches out to hold P's hand for this and it is the Sweetest Thing.  Even P melted, after bragging about it;)  Remembering we raced to the park for a hike last car nap, P begged for another.  E and I were hesitant, there is soooo much to be done around here.  But, the house isn't going anywhere, and P's childhood is, so we went for a short hike in Washington Park.  I can't describe how lucky I feel to live in a place that has these sorts of parks, right in the city, so accessible, so gorgeous.  And a car to access them.  And kids that love them as much as I do.  Lucky, lucky me!

Zia is a blur because she is moving so freaking fast.  Sigh. 

P, climbing, of course ;)

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