I've mentioned that Yoav's family moved to the nabe, yes? FIVE blocks away. (That's basically Next Door here in NY :) And its sooo groovy. He and P have a fascinating friendship. Sometimes they chat like adults, trading and deal making with the sweetest, most peaceful language you've ever heard. And then, then some switch flips. I haven't located this switch, yet, but its almost comical in its strangely swift flipping from friend to foe. One of them will suddenly start being less prone to dealmaking and then, bam. They go for each other's buttons. P can not Stand to have someone say things At him he doesn't feel to be true. So Yoav starts doing this. Yoav isn't so fond of being told "No" or being Pushed. So P does this, starting out with firm No's and then moving to louder NO's until he tackles. Under stress one is verbal and the other is physical, so its really interesting to watch them spar (as we quickly move in to help, of course, its not like we just take ringside seats and watch :) In the case of some kids this sort of energy has nixed any further play dates altogether for P. I couldn't coax him to see some kids again with promises of sharks or tractors. But with Yoav, he still adores him. Even as he gets so geared up he'll turn to me and say "I'm ready to go home. Now. And I never want to see him again." Then the flames cool and whalah, they're chasing ducks together....
Which is exactly what they did last week. We rode the carousel and then played in the beautiful botanical gardens all afternoon. There were moments of extreme duress :) But the afternoon, as a whole, was so lovely. They poured water in the children's garden so long that I could Hear the aquifer groan. Then they pet fish and chased ducks and waded in the water and raced after each other to argue about almonds. Exhausted and hot, I hoped P wouldn't zonk on the walk home through the park but they were so jazzed they both pushed their own strollers most of the way home. After one final word spar that culminated in a pretty tough tackle, we bid adieu and walked the short walk home. P just asked to play with Yoav, again, today :)
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