P's shot of BB getting in on the fun:
Phoenix has had a Peter Pan obsession for a while now. My stories started it (avid Pan lover that I am), followed by the book, followed by the movie and now countless evening stories starring P. Endless play sessions center around pirates and P saving someone (often Cinderella, still a fave record) from the patch wearing, sword wielding villains. He has a little dagger we made, in addition to the felt and foam hook and swords. Last week while we shopped the coop he carried his dagger, occasionally questioning me, "Mama, who do those people think I am?" Aka, can they tell from this oddly shaped piece of yellow foam clutched in my hand, the one you haven't taken the time to turn into a proper dagger, that I am secretly Peter Pan? Oh-hoh how many chuckles that gave me as I grocery shopped amongst the masses.
But finally, the dagger wasn't enough. He grabbed his felt at lunch the other day and demanded the entire ensemble. We quickly ordered some tights (have I mentioned I don't really sew?) and managed a cap from his felt pile. A green shirt turned inside out and a hair band as belt are buying me time to figure out a proper tunic. And while I've spent Hours on his swords, his dagger is a still a pathetic sight to behold. P finished his costume crusade with his kazoo, aka pan flute:) Despite the tossed together nature of the disguise, the child is fabulously happy with the results, gleaming, "I'm Peter Pan!" As he shed his costume the other night for bed I called to him, "Peter, come brush your teeth, Peter!" He skipped in behind me and then stopped and stage whispered with a shy grin "Mama, I'm not Really Peter Pan :)"
As is proven daily by the sad lack of flight. He is consistently miffed at how he can achieve take-off. We've hunted fairies, looked for pixie dust and even, sadly, thrown ourselves across the room just to make sure the secret power isn't already there :) So as I made dinner the other night it was with an enormous grin that he ran in and announced "Mama, I can fly." He took me to the bedroom and showed me the below trick:
1 comment:
P - we almost didn't recognize you! Sweet outfit! We know who's making our costumes for Halloween this year!
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