After a morning of jumping on Jace, we all meandered the AMNH. Grandpapa and Aunt Alicia joined us for a captivating tour of the dinosaur wing for which P was Alicia's wingman. He held her hand and led her from skull to skeleton. We saw the T-rex we'd just read about the day before, putting the Barnum Brown adventure into perfect perspective for P; the archeologist's story took a new life with the T-rex skull just inches away.
As everyone moved towards the Space Center P and I happened upon a dino room we'd never seen before. And (insert drum roll) there was a Pleisosaur there!!! P's crazy for any "sea monsters" of the dino age and finding this room was like finding the end of the rainbow (or better) for P. He wandered from display to display, actually Requesting photos.
Then, it finally struck him, he could take the pictures He wants to look at later if he looks through the lens.. His shot below:
So we now have a million pictures of the pleisosaur wing :) Only the announcement of the museum's imminent closing stopped his shutter from snapping and we ran, quite literally, to find the others.
From there we met Seth and Bric for dinner at La Bonne Soupe. Ahhh, P looooves fondue and soup and creme caramel :) He was tired from the long day and needed extra encouragement in the way of adventure stories to make it through the long meal. Fortunately, Seth, Alicia and Papa were ready storytellers.
Yawning and full we strapped him into the mei tai, from which he continued to play shutterbug :) But no diversion could save him, he fell asleep on the train dreaming of dinos...
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