A friend set up an art in the park day for some AP kids, so we joined Yoav on the way to the Metropolitan Museum of Art's roof. But en route to the sub, P fell apart. He did NOT want to go on the subway. He was actually crying (something he rarely does when he's upset.) Eventually his story came out. He was petrified someone would grab him and throw him off of the train or take him away from me... somehow. He didn't know where this idea came from, dream, book, story? But it had settled into his brain and freaked him out. I validated that it was a scary thought and that I wouldn't want to ride a train if that could happen! So he asked if we could, please, Walk to the museum. Full disclosure always in mind, I told him, yes, it was Possible. The museum might be closed by the time we made it :) but we Could do it...
Eventually, armed with a stick sword (that I promised to wield without hesitation) he happily hopped down the stairs....
Yoav was in a playful mood and started teasing P as we read our books. P was not in a playful mood and started punching Yoav while we read our books. Strangely enough, this actually encourages Yoav :) So we moved away and quietly read our way to the museum. But it set the tone for the two of them and they, mostly, tormented one another whenever they were within grabbing distance for the rest of the day.
Fortunately, we had just read When Pigasso Met Mootisse and P was really jazzed about modern art. When we emerged onto the bright rooftop and saw the enormous balloon dog, P practically squealed. The view was amazing:
and the size and shininess of the sculptures were thrilling to a three year old (and me:) P just Had to take some pics and set to, very seriously, documenting the beauty. These pics are his and I love how he zoomed in on the details:
OK. I know I'm partial - but I'm just Lovin' his compositional choices! And the zoom - I can't get over him zooming into the detailed area on this one:
As we meandered out of the museum we found ourselves amongst African masks. P didn't have any memory of loving these same pieces when he was little(r), but he did. And this time was no different. We were trying to breeze through to get to the park and he was stopping to study the masks and listening carefully to the descriptions. The village deal-maker, below, was his top fave (besides a crocodile (of course) shaped mask). The write-up beside it was fairly technical, totally dry, really, but I may as well have been reading The Great Gracie Chase to him he was so riveted.
When we finally arrived at the park our friends were waiting with foil and tape aplenty for sculpture making. The girls had already created some magic wands and P was set on adding to his collection (we made a felt one at home earlier this week). So we settled in for sculpting and snacking in the grass.
When everyone departed P and I hung out, rock climbing and jumping...
until he "heard monsters" and screamed "Wun! Oh! Scoot! They'we after us!!! Baby Bwooooothew!!!! Wuuuuuuun!!" And we flew to our scooter and took off through the park, P screaming This way or That as we zoomed past tourists. His directions happily landed us at the Alice in Wonderland sculpture, at which point the monsters took a break.
E just read Alice to P, so the story was very much alive for him. He thought sitting under a giant mushroom atop a scary crocodile was about the most perfect way to spend the day possible. He joined the clambering kids and climbed atop the Mad Hatter's Hat. Looking at the Rabbits watch reminded me of mine. And oh! We were late! So we scooted off to meet Papa, waving goodbye to Alice till the next time...
Our lovely day ended with Ciao Bella, P's favorite: Fresh Mint Ice Cream