Sunday, August 26, 2012


I finally nabbed (and edited;) some pics from Superman's phone. He isn't quite as addicted to photographing our offspring as I am, but I was tickled to see he had quite a few shots :).

Your best guess on each one... I know they are from Crater Lake, the Olympic National Park, Mt Hood, the Gorge, the coast and the playground (and a few older ones of Z at home) but I have no other details (storyteller he is Not). Maybe P will fill me in...

Olympic, I believe.

Grandpapa and P, I'm guessing scheming ;)

Bungee Jump, Mt Hood

I can't wait to see how blue this is!

She is bound and determined to climb it.

This one makes me think of the Lorax, no?

1 comment:

A said...

The photo of you and Z is beautiful!!! Also that reminds me I haven't even taken photos of the rainforest off my camera yet!