Sunday, August 5, 2012

Hot. (said with guilt.)

While the world roasted, we wore hoddies in the a.m. While our fams sweated their asses off, we brought layers to park day. When I saw back to school supplies out, I had to stop and think what month it was. Oregon summers and Kansas/New York summers are totally different beasts.

But I broke out the shorts this weekend. And got P the paddling pool he has fancied for years (carried home on my head as, surprise! It didn't fit the Suburu!) Much joy followed. (Strangely enough, we've been outside much more in the heat than in the previous perfection. Kansas roots coming through? Maybe ;) But it was still pretty decent in the shade ;).

Of course, as fate would have it, this weekend was set aside to finish the raised beds (and the next two weekends are booked with, drumroll, Grandpapa!!!!) So Superman isn't feeling the joy with the border laying, the shoveling, the hauling in the hundred degree heat.... We almost said fuck fall carrots. But our big dreams got the better of us.

They had better be some fiiiiiine carrots and kale;)

kids in pool. kids dirty and half (or full;y) nakey. The garden, trying to take shape.

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