Friday, August 24, 2012


I cannot express how amazing it is to live right beside awesome family. Seriously. No. *Seriously*. We've been enjoying the unbelievable beauty of August in Portland with each other and My little family is just hoping that Their little (soon to be bigger! eek!) family doesn't tire of us too soon - cuz we are Loving it!

Some days we go to the zoo with Aunt Alicia, or the gardens, or we all walk after dinner to an ice cream cart and listen to live music. Or we move a piano into the first floor flat, after a little porch-side piano party. We have cookouts in the back, dessert on the front stoop and beers in the attic. Tonight featured the VooDoo donut cart and a movie in the park. Sure, Z and I skip a lot of the food options or skirt out early from the flick, but its so easy-peasy. No long sub commute or drive home. They're next freakin door or we're just around the block. Love. It.

Zia is absolutely Flourishing, surrounded by loving adults that she sees every day. Maybe it's just that she's a social baby - but maybe it Is the fact that she has regulars in her life that makes her so happy - totally happy to climb (and hug and snuggle!) on her Uncle or so easy to dump into her Aunt's arms when I need to pee. Whatever it is, her comfort zone is much larger than P's was at this age.

And P is simply livin the dream, having these two next door. He adores hearing Uncle Seth's pretty piano playing float through the floor ("Quiet, Mama! I want to be able to hear it!") He is so happy hanging out the front window, talking to Alicia or chatting with her out back as we water or weed the garden. So happy :)

Superman seems equally ecstatic. His life is his family, his friends are his brothers, and seeing Seth every day could only be topped by.... seeing Seth And Bric And Ian every day :). But he is nothing if not patient and we are keeping our fingers crossed that the amazingness that is Portland will woo everyone West (hear that Mom?? ~Everyone~ :)))

But before I sound super greedy:). Refereeing Z and P sucks my sanity some days (how to be fair to both? protect her body and his spirit? meet his need for projects without her eating the projects? go where he wants without killing her with the car? give them space to roughhouse without ending in the ER or seeing him as aggressive and her as victim? tricky stuff, this far spaced sibling business....). But even with my general parental cluelessness hanging heavily these days, Every day I think, this is it. These are those days, the ones I'll relive in my rocking chair when I'm old and grey. Living by family, our parents are healthy and happy, kids and projects popping up everywhere. One big family bed with a couple of cute cuddlers, smiling in the morning. The cynic in me feels the end of such beauty too palpably. Makes me relish every moment (that there is no crying child :) Makes me feel that these are some seriously lucky days.

Pics: The gardens, the zoo, the late night live music (ours and others';), Z huggin on her Aunt/future cousin and playing peek-a-boo.

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