Sunday, September 2, 2012

Quick one...

Just a fast babble (so my Dad doesn't whine ;)

We've been just hanging this week (after a fun, neighborhood street fair last weekend.) Parkday, backyard play, garden and lunches with Alicia - low-key but lovely.

Then E and I had time, ALONE (for the first time in (a couple weeks shy of) a year :). (Literally.) It was our anniversary and the awesome Aunt and Uncle took the totally happy kiddos to the playground. We went out to eat and had non-interrupted conversation. It was lovely :)

Z was rubbing her face when we got home, which, apparently, is the sign for impending misery. She is So Miserable at night when she is sick! She screams and flops and bawls her little eyes out every 20 minutes or so, all. night. long. Night number two she spiked a fever and attempted (I guess?) to regulate her body temperature by staying pasted to mine, nursing the Entire Night. I was happy to realize (around 6 in the morning) that this was the first time this babyhood I've been "all touched out." Her day was a blur of screams, which totally pissed P off ;). Last night was sad, she was so flustered because her boogers blocked her nursing, but she was feeling better and actually managed some sleep. Sick babies are So Pathetic. Thank gawd for baby carriers.

What else... Oh - our street had a block party. This was HUGE in NYC. Bouncy house, a band, fire trucks, street sprays, face painting, pony rides - you get the idea;). Z was just on her upward swing, so we went late and possibly missed fancier fanfare... But it was delightfully mellow here. Capture the flag followed by a piƱata and cake. Easy peasy :). E and I met some neighbors and found out who fires the big gas kiln around the corner. Apparently, we've landed in the middle of a clay-zone here and I'm feeling super stoked seeing all the potters and artists nearby :))).

Biggest news - Z tried tomatoes! I put just a bit of juice on her cheek (pickles and sesame still cause an insta-hive) and.... nothin. So she ate one from the garden. Nothin. (She loved it:) I decided to give it a two week window, do it right with no confusion. Ohhhhh how good this week tasted :). All was well until the night she fell ill - HUGE, nasty rash that made her miserable. We had eaten out - and we figured that as the culprit. Then I realized I gave her baby food that night with chia seed in it. Head slap! So I'm guessing that's the issue? At any rate, I'm gonna extend the tomato trial till this clears. Hopefully it won't hang around and point to tomatoes....

P lost another tooth last night - that makes 7. And he has started dreaming big dreams for his birthday :). And he's coming down with Z's cold. So it looks like this long weekend will be deliciously chill...

random pics from the last week....

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