Sunday, July 22, 2012

Zia: Her ninth month

Ten Months now. Tantrums. Temper. Too cute. It all fits these days. Her personality is popping out and she is a hoot.

She laughs and coughs and squeals at Everyone to get their attention. She is a Super Social baby, a regular at the playground. Her gusto has made more than a few toddlers anxious...

When she isn't getting what she wants, she expresses herself, clearly and loudly. Basically, she shrieks (think baby pterodactyl). If this warning is not heeded, she escalates. It can be an impressive (LOUD) display of personality if we don't figure our shit out fast enough...

Diaper changes (as I appear to be an epic failure at ECing. She pees and poos on the potty each morning and then it's dipes all day. A Strong Refusal to take breaks to potty here...). At any rate - diaper changes became completely impossible this last month. My mother warned that the neighbors would call the authorities for fear we were removing toenails without pain
meds. (See note on Screaming.). She has gotten so strong (in body and will;) that even E could barely muscle her to stay on her back. She can flip over and hang upside down in a freakin millisecond. Sigh. So the biggest news of the month is that that problem has been solved, no authorities called :). Baths and changing her on my lap (yes, tricky) have saved the day. She's so happy with this set up (as long as it is Me, not E) that she even bends forward in the bath and helps lift her leg up;)

She is running, as much as such short legs can run. She dribbles the soccer ball across the park. She will play any game she can get started (peek a boo, hide and seek, scream and run (a fave with P...) chase, tummy blower, wrestling, you name it, she wants to play too :). She loves to smear food Everywhere. She loves the color red.

She's still just saying Mama, Papa, Brabra (brother), hi and cat. And she doesn't say these often, just a couple words a day. But there are lots of funny new sounds. Tongue clicking, bubble blowing, raspberry making, pphtbing, social laughing (as in, everyone is laughing, so she goes "hahahaha"), silly babbling and copying P singing a bit.

She also started instigating dancing. Took us a while to figure it out (we're slow here:). She started clapping her hands Months ago, but then started doing it again a couple days ago. It was obvious she was trying to communicate Something. She signs hi, bye, papa and down - but it wasn't that.... Then she did it again and started bouncing. It hit me - she was asking me to clap and sing for her to dance (something I do each day but hadn't thought a thing of it.). So I started clapping and singing and she was off with her little ballerina run with attempted hops and her little twirls and stomps and claps. And, of course, the biggest damn grin Evah;)

She is on the cusp of moving to one nap. If she could manage to stay asleep longer at night, I think she could make the transition. As it is, it's just too long to go from her first nap until bedtime, so she falls for a second one, that is getting later and later, making bedtime harder and later and later... Tricky time that ten month bit ;)

The car is still a toss up. We only try if I'm feeling extra resilient :). P, after a period of adamant refusal to aid her, is pulling off some fabulous baby entertainment again. But sometimes we just take the bus, which she loves (people to coo at).

I'm sure there's ten more things I'd like to note, but I can't remember anything these days, so this will have to do :)

Random pics...

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