Saturday, July 14, 2012


I think we've hit homeostasis with Z's food. No seeds, no nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant etc), no eggs and no peanuts or walnuts. I think grapes may be a No also, as well as apricots, but I'll trial them both again in a few weeks.

This leaves Lots of food to eat :). When we're at home, I almost forget there are issues, its become that natural. But eating out is pretty damn tricky unless its a plain burger. Crazy how much of life has an egg, nut or nightshade in it ;)

She's still really enjoying trying foods. Some days she seems to chow and other days she barely swallows (fists, drops and smears, sure, but not swallows ;) two bites. She seems particularly fond of meat, fruit and fermented foods. I feel bad when she throws herself at E's cherry tomatoes (edible red balls?!! they are a daily snack for him) and she doesn't get why he doesn't share :(. But giving her a nibble of a cherry is a cheap trick that soothes ;).

Phone blogger has these photos put of order. Obviously, the go from clean to dirty;). She's determined to use a spoon.

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