Sunday, May 24, 2009

Wednesday in the park

We spent the most lovely day in the park last week. And I forgot my camera!!! My butt should still be bruised for the number of times I kicked it.... Thanks to Amy I have a couple of pics to share:

Abby was there, thrilling P to no end. He played like I have never seen him before (with another 4 year old, that is:). Independently, happily, interactively, thoroughly. There were just No Issues. Which is huge for us.

At one point in time he saw Logan and his Mama across the baseball diamond and decided to go visit them. He didn't need me, didn't even look back. It was awesome. Eventually he wandered back over to invite me to join him, but he was really content playing with his friends. So huge.

Then, as we all meandered out of the park, P dropped BB. Abby jumped to retrieve the monster and handed him back to P. Aha! I could see it dawn on his face. A friend could be "good" to him too. They don't always take toys and run off, hit, yell and say things he doesn't like. They can also help! Holy moly. And he tested this theory allllll the way out of the park, dropping BB repeatedly (and oh so covertly, as in, oops! I did it again??) and grinning when Abby again helped him, over and over and over...

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