(Above, BB is at sea, but in the dark, since P's bowler is covering the sun;)
Thanks to Yoav's Mama, we had a great project this weekend while E was working (yes, you read that right, working Again poor guy!) and I was sick (yes, again for that too. I've got a living, breathing, 19th century novella sorta constitution here:). We painted an ocean scape, cut out a boat to sail the seven seas and gave the scape some waves (and a sun to relieve my angst as mentioned in the previous post;) and Whalah! P was quite impressed. The simplicity ended quickly tho, for we needed a BB to sail those seas... and a shark to bite BB's toes... and we ripped our first scape... and a rock for BB to climb upon once his boat sank in the second set of seas... and, and, and... And, since Papa wasn't home to see all of the fun, we had to make a movie of it to boot!
Home movies are so much more moving with a little muzak. And so I share with you yet another mama-mess-up. As mentioned a while back, P wanted to purchase pirate songs, his tastes expanding and all. Well, ITunes plays tiny bits of a tune and from this soundbite you determine your purchase. The song featured on the below video seemed catchy and P voted yes, so we bought it.
Now, this story only makes sense if you know the following: I've barely listened to music with lyrics since I became pregnant (over FIVE years ago) when my morning sickness was replaced at month three with an inexcusable aversion to lyrics. Tug at my heartstrings is a ridiculous understatement, I tear up at P's kid's songs (the happy ones). No kidding. So, for the most part, the music the little man hears at home is electronica, trance, classical or foreign (if I can't understand the lyrics they can't make me cry!) (It hit me the other day that P's lack of typical kiddie jingles could be based in this funkiness (oooo - more bad mommy confessions!)) Now, knowing all of this, and how much E and I adore music, we want P to be surrounded by sounds, so I've tried to turn on a wider variety of tunes for the little man in the last year. And I have trained myself to ignore the lyrics. Its been working well. So well, in fact, that I didn't realize what this song said until I heard my four year old sing it to me. And, I don't think its a kid's song...
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