Saturday, May 16, 2009


P has fallen in LOVE with sword fighting. (I can only imagine what it will be like around our house once Star Wars is seen :) Glowing swords! Holy moly!) After many, many months of swinging broomsticks, knife sharpeners, wooden spoons and home-made felt swords, the little man is finally in possession of a sharp, wooden sword. Two, actually, so that Papa can play too. These wooden weapons have withstood so much playtime in the last two weeks that one is already dented and splintery.

He also has a little sheath, so that a sword can accompany us out and about. Its amazing how much more fun almost anything appears when a sword is included. Here he is on a nice little nature walk last week:

(Yup, finally got the camera fixed and we have videos again!)

1 comment:

A said...

Love the singing and swords! I want to live a pirate's life... Swinging at the branches and singing to my hearts content!