I'm far behind on posts lately - he's doing cute/fun things faster than I can blog! So i wanted to just get some P quotes out.
11.15.07 We were listening to Claire de lune and he stopped playing, turned to me and said "That is a sad story mom."
Speaking of music, he's just gotten into singing with words in the past 2 months. He's hummed since he was tiny, but never sang songs. He always refused to be one of those cherub cheeked reciters of The Itsy Bitsy Spider or Twinkle. So he finally rips out his first tune after his third Bday and it is "oompaoompaoompadeedoo" from Willy Wonka. He's never seen the movie, but E's plagiarized it when storytelling.
12.26.07 Last night we aired up the Aero bed for visiting family. Phoenix was in heaven jumping on it. He then climbed onto a chest from which to plummet. He stopped and asked if it was ok, would it pop? Ethan told him he'd be fine, he didn't have enough lead in his ass to pop the bed. Washing dishes, I sighed, but said nothing, hoping it would pass unnoticed. I have no problem with cussing, love it, actually, but enjoy the thought of P's vocabulary growing in a playground appropriate direction nonetheless. The next 5 minutes consisted of P flinging himself off of the chest while chanting "Not much ass in my fault." Finally, Ethan repeated the original phrase and turned to me saying "he may as well get it right." The following 5 minutes consisted of ass propelling and Properly Phrased chanting.
12.26.07 The waitress at one of our fave Italian eateries is an angel with kids. She coos and teases "Felix" each time we visit. Last time he ordered the pumpkin ice cream, served in a little pumpkin. It was delicious and Very Frozen. She asked P if he liked it. "Yes," he told her, "It cold to my mouth." She laughed and asked if he wanted her to put it in the microwave for him. "Mmhm," he innocently nodded in thanks as he slid the bowl towards her. Her laugh was huge and P first looked surprised, then smiled at himself. "I'm just teasing you Felix," she told him. "I just teasing you too."
12.20.07 We were going to bed the other night and he turned to ask "How does our skin come off our skulls when we die?"
12.02.07 We have a Big blanket on our bed and a small, apartment sized washing machine. Food is allowed everywhere in our house, but we try to keep the messy stuff off of the bed due to washing difficulty. P wanted to wrestle on the bed and eat his dinner simultaneously the other night and we explained the problem. Always the problem solver, he smiled and said "Us have to wash it in the swimming pool sometime!"
12.12.07 Phoenix has been asking for a fire truck so I was looking on Craigslist for a cool one. I found one too, but she lives out on Long Island (no sub stops) and wasn't interested in shipping. P's eagle eye saw the pic on my computer and he informed me he Really wanted that truck. I briefly explained the problem. His problem solving skills jumped to the rescue. "Maybe we can use Our car!" Its in Kansas, P. "Maybe Grams' car!!" Its in Kansas too P. "Maybe she can send it in a box?" She won't. "Hmmm. I know! Maybe a rental car?!"
11.16. 07 P saw himself in the mirror and started making faces etc. Then he told me "When I look like this, I look like Grandpapa. When my head like this, I look like Jace. When I look up like this, I look like you."
11.12.07 At breakfast: "We gonna die today, mama?' This question quickly became a breakfast time staple. I don't remember the last time he didn't ask me if we were going to die that day. It seemed morbid at the time, but it has definitely served as a daily reminder of how precious each day is!
12.15.07 At dinner. "I want a knife to cut your skin." Me "You want to cut me?" P: "No, I want to cut Papa." Me: "You want to cut Papa? Why would you cut Papa?" P: "For grams and gramps, cuz they eat meat. I want to cut your skin open, Papa, for mama's daddy to eat." Thus a discussion of cannibalism and the supposed difference between papa and veal entered Phoenix's life...
12.18.07 P likes to tell stories. He loves to start with the plot, give us the basics and then have us re-tell the story to him. This day his story went something like this: "Phoenix was going to the North pole by ship. Mama go too. I hear shark noises. Duhduh... Duh duhh. And they flew in a air-o-plane cuz its dangerous to go by boat with sharks! Mama and Phoenix jumped up onto the plane and flew to the north pole. Oh! The mail is coming! The mail is here!" There were some more details and then he climbed into a rather small toy bucket and said "I'm the boy who lives in this bucket and never sleeps."
12.21.07 P: "I like books about minotaurs, but not real minotaurs."
12.24.07 He informed me the garage doors at gram's house were there to keep monsters out.
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