We've been back for a week and I haven't had a second to catch up here, but he's in bed early tonight so....
Today Uncle Seth asked P what he thought about his trip to Kansas. P replied, "Good. I missed New York." I thought it was an interesting summation. Its curious to be away for long periods now that he's really cognizant of his life. And while we had a very nice time in Kansas, he's repeatedly told me this week that he's happy to be home. The strange aggression that reared its head while away has dissipated and the change culminated today with one long song of "I love you's"," sung by Mr. Angel himself. (That and some silly song about Old McDonald eating his pants that he finds Truly Amusing. Unfortunately for P, he doesn't seem to have acquired the melodic voice that should have come with his father's funny feet.)
So it was sweet tonight to hear him list every family member he knows, saying he misses them. And so he should. Thanksgiving weekend was wonderful for P. He was chased. He was read to. He was introduced to new movies. He was caught, repeatedly, as he threw himself off of kitchen cabinets, at Jace, Grandpapa, Grams, Grama Mimi, Blaine, Seth, Alicia, Ian, Greg, and even my younger brother's very surprised girlfriend. Grandpapa piled leaves for jumping games. Everyone played cars with him. He was surrounded by helpers at the playground. He could put his finger to his forehead and people would shriek "Rhino!" on cue while being attacked again and again and again. Basically, he was adored and catered to. (I'd like to think this is his general state of existence, of course :) but to have sooo many loving caterers...)
Fortunately for P, 2 uncles live in NY. Also lucky for P, my folks were in town this week, extending the feeling of family in the city. We have our sights set on getting one more Uncle up here, but manipulative plans aside :) P's had a soft reintroduction to his home surrounded by sweet memories of his trip.
We loved seeing you guys for the holiday! P is growing exponentially in so many ways! His work with the puzzle Ian got him was amazing! Hope your travels went well. Tell P "hi".
Blaine and Micki
We loved seeing you guys for the holiday! P is growing exponentially in so many ways! His work with the puzzle Ian got him was amazing! Hope your travels went well. Tell P "hi".
Blaine and Micki
Ahhh... its a rhino attack. Run for your lives!!! Love you P.
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