Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Packing (etc) pics

 The child, arranging his favorite shrine.

First, my sister in law rocks (for lots of reason, but I'm speaking specifically, here).  This new iphone app has me swooning with happiness.  Sure, the shots are shit so far, but I'm positive that with the right combo of lens and film, phone photos will soon be so faaaaaab I'll cry.  Yes.  I am a geek.  Thanks, Alicia!!!!

So, I was using absolutely any excuse to snap a shot while I cleaned and packed last week (yah, its an all week affair for us...)  It was like getting to play every few minutes all day long.  I love new toys that cost a buck, create no trash and bring endless happiness.

Still the fave toy: BB's Chateau.

The child, he figured out that he could really draw.  It just happened, all in one day.  Then he started sketching scenes of scariness (featuring me, amidst a storm etc) and laughing with glee.  Afterwards, he folded his stories into airplanes and flew them to me so that I could writhe in anguish.  He was very pleased with himself ;)

He moved on to sketching the cat.  She was a dutiful model.  And he chased her down and returned her to her post if she forgot her job.  Eventually, he set up an entire art table (chairs and a board as the table, books for inspiration, a trash can for rejects, select drawing accoutrements) in the corner of the room.  Believe it or not, I didn't snap it ;)


A said...

ha ha. i make myself laugh. i should know what ap it is, since i'm being thanked for it! you'll have to share with me what settings you used to get that fram with the nov 80 under it... or maybe i'll have to do some more playing to figure it out! the options are endless in this ap! i saw a photo taken by someone the other day using the new dali film -- which i'm still trying to figure out how to get onto my phone... anyway. can't wait to see you guys on turkey day!

Jac said...

Hehe ;) I'll look it up and show you over stuffing. We can't wait to see you guys!!!!!