Monday, November 8, 2010

Hehe. Cake, take two.

The kid and I kept it mellow yellow today, giving him a little extra R&R space after his exhaustion induced fever last night.)  Silly kid ;)

But a girl can only take so much Lego and lounging with toys.  So I suggested we bake that cake we skipped last week.  P changed it from a carrot to pumpkin request and we rolled up our sleeves...

Of course, the child wanted many, many layers (the efficient, dishwashing mama much prefers the single, non-stack variety.  B-o-ring;)  Speaking of, as I washed the dishes, he hummed happily behind me.  I glanced around and saw that he had cracked open the b-day candles and was on a decorating spree....  This quick snap was taken when only one of the layers had been blessed by his brilliance. Guess he took that B-day make-up thing seriously ;)

When we lit it tonight, I swear, I thought our fire alarm would go off.

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